Sensory Communication: Expressive Culture and Youth Media
A two-day symposium sponsored by the Departments of Communication and Visual Arts, UCSD. Supported by the Institute for International, Comparative, and Area Studies, UCSD.
**Visual Arts Facility (VAF) Performance Space**
Wednesday, April 14
10:00 AM-12:30 PM: Sensory Mediation
- Yvonne Eriksson (Malardalen Univ., Sweden) “Children with visual impairment in a visually oriented world”
- Roberto Manduchi (UCSC) “Following Ariadne's thread: Sensing technologies for assisted mobility and way finding without sight”
- Moderated by Anna Sparrman (Linköping University, Sweden) and Barry Brown (UCSD)
1:30-2:00 PM
- “Sing as the following objects pass through your throat: Sensory Modalities of the Everyday Voice” by Zeynep Bulut (UCSD)
2:00-3:30 PM: Workshop on Making Sensory Media. Moderated by Lisa Cartwright (UCSD), Yvonne Eriksson, and Roberto Manduchi
7:00 PM: Screening, Chants of Lotus (2007), and discussion with film director Fatimah Tobing Rony (UC Irvine), moderated by Nour Al-Timimi, Lisa Fang, Hwan Lee, and Zheng Zhang (UCSD)
Note: Screening will be held in MCC 201 (Media Center / Communication Bldg)
Thursday, April 15
10:00 AM-12:30 PM: Self-Produced Youth Media and Cultural Conventions.
- Alexandra Juhasz (Pitzer College) “Faking Fred: The Formal Limits on Youth Self-Representation”
- Richard Chalfen (Children’s Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School) “Participant Media Research: Using Young Patient Visual Narratives to Better Understand Living with Chronic Illness”
- Moderated by Lauren Berliner, Elena Buenrostro and Andy Rice (UCSD)
2:00-3:30 PM: Workshop on Media Practices to Work Through Affect and Experience. Moderated by Brian Goldfarb (UCSD), Trinity de Kervor (High Tech High International), Steven Rubin (Penn State University), Shannon Lowe (Lancaster University) and The AjA Project
- Lisa Cartwright, Professor of Communication and Science Studies, UCSD
- Brian Goldfarb, Associate Professor of Communication and Education Studies, UCSD
- Anna Sparrman, Associate Professor, Department of Child Studies, Linköping University, Sweden